If you wish to sing with us this term, please register for the term online before 4th September- this is for all singers, new and returning.
Please go to https://membermojo.co.uk/streathamchoral and follow the instructions at https://membermojo.co.uk/streathamchoral/files/public/docs/Streatham%20Choral%20registration%20guidance.pdf to (re-)register for the term, check your personal details and pay the subscription if applicable.
New joiners
New joiners to the choir may register as “Just Trying Out” and come to 2 sessions free of charge before deciding to upgrade to a membership at the applicable termly or annual rate. I will introduce you to your voice rep who will be looking out for you and making sure you get settled in. Our Join Us page has all the other useful information you need to know.
The Committee has decided to keep the subscription rates the same as last year:
Term rate: £80 (full rate) or £60 (concessionary rate)
Term Family rate: £120 (full rate) or £90 (concessionary rate)
Annual rate: £200 (full rate) or £150 (concessionary rate)
Annual Family rate: £300 (full rate); £225 (concessionary rate)
“Family” memberships are for 2 people living at the same address. Standard concession reasons are under 35, retired, students and the unwaged. For those who may not be able to afford the subscription at this time, please do contact our Treasurer, Carol Harrison, in strictest confidence, at carolharrison9@gmail.com. We don't want to leave people out who are experiencing financial difficulties.
How to pay
We would ask you to pay via online bank transfer to our account at CAF Bank. Our bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Streatham Choral Society
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00033798
Reference: Surname followed by as much of your first name as there is room for eg SMITH ALICE - or if paying for more than one member, just surname(s) eg JONES or BROWN&MACMILLAN
Should you get any message from your bank indicating they are not able to verify the account details of our bank, CAF Bank, please rest assured that the above bank details are tried and tested.
Or you can let Carol have cash or a cheque payable to 'Streatham Choral Society’ at rehearsal.
For those experiencing any difficulties with payments, please contact Carol Harrison, our Treasurer.
If you have queries that are not answered above or in the guidance at https://membermojo.co.uk/streathamchoral/files/public/docs/Streatham%20Choral%20registration%20guidance.pdf then please drop us an email at streathamchoral@gmail.com